Oprah Discovers The Cake Bake Shop

  Gwendolyn Rogers’s popular Broad Ripple restaurant and bakery The Cake Bake Shop (6515 Carrollton Ave., 317-2572253) is so chock-full of celebrity photos and testimonials, it’s hard to believe it’s taken this long for Oprah to board the Cake Bake train. All of that changes next month when the famous cakes make their first appearance on the O List, the popular round-up of Oprah’s favorite things in O, The Oprah Magazine. Rogers told The Indianapolis Star that she’s been wooing Oprah for months, and after four different cakes were sent to the magazine, they made it to the final round of deliberations, where Winfrey herself gave the final approval for inclusion in the March issue. Look for it on newsstands February 27. Click link below to see article: https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/dining-blog/feed-ukiyo-opens-oprah-discovers-cake-bake-shop/