The Cake Bake Shop 'Winter's Best-Top Outdoor Dining Spot' Travel Indiana Magazine January 2021

The Cake Bake Shop's Carmel location, where you can have your cake and eat it there too, plus stay warm and be in outdoor air. Shelby Clester, office administrator at the Cake Bake Shop said, "At our Carmel location, our patio is still inside except we open all the windows and we have heated floors. Our most popular flavor is Gwendolyn's Famous Earls Court Chocolate Cake." Heated floors add warmth to the patio, where you can enjoy lunch, dinner, dessert & a full bar.
The Cake Bake Shop 'Top Outdoor Dining Spot' Travel Indiana Magazine January 2021
The Cake Bake Shop 'Top Outdoor Dining Spot' Travel Indiana Magazine January 2021