Cake Bake Shop: Behind the Scenes

The Cake Bake shop is starting to come together and I am so pleased with the progress and how it’s turning out. It’s so rewarding to turn a vision into something tangible and concrete. It has been quite the ride. Heading up such a project doesn’t come without its challenges and overtime hours, but it’s all well worth it. I have been in the shop every night until 10:00 pm with the work needed to open up, and loads of baking in between. tumblr_inline_nc9tasMtEu1rd33ae It’s all starting to take shape. I’ve just hired my first two employees, one bookkeeper and one baker. I will be doing my very first payroll this week, which I’ve never done in my life – one of the many “first-time” experiences that inevitably come with the territory. The bulk of my equipment has come in: my freezer, dishwasher and ice machine and I’ve installed speakers all over the shop including the patio. I just got my phone lines installed after having my CAKE number for over two years. It only took AT&T 8 hours to figure it out. :) On another note, there will be an 8-10 page photo spread of the Cake Bake Shop in the Holiday issue of Sophisticated Living, which we will be shooting next week. I’ve already begun decorating for the occasion. It feels like Christmas in here, which makes the work grind a lot more enjoyable! tumblr_inline_nc9tbbRxzi1rd33ae I can’t wait for the opening and to share my passion project with you. Stay tuned! I will be keeping you updated on all the exciting and yummy things happening along the way.
Gwen xo